How do you come up with really interesting titles for your posts ? I am running out of ideas!
Anyway, here are some glimpses of our Math work last week. One new thing we started last week is for D to record what she works with, where applicable, in her Math notebook. I got this notebook from India, this is kind of the standard Math notebook that elementary kids back home use. It is nice, since you can write one digit in each square. You can also use graph sheets with appropriate sized squares for this purpose.
As you can see we've been working on skip counting by 2s or figuring out the even numbers up to 30. We used the RightStart Abacus initially to do this, since the bead chains only go up to 4 and 8. Then we used this hundred chart to count and stamp by 2's, 5's and 10's using our dot markers.
After D was done counting by 2's, 5's and 10's she wanted to cross out all the odd numbers!
Other than this we also reviewed the types of Quadrilaterals and Triangles. We also reviewed the value for different coins and played with coins to find out how to use different denominations to arrive at the same sum.
In Language, we've been working our way through Grammar and D sorted the different types of nouns.
I just wrote these out using silver marker on black construction paper |
D drew and labelled "things" she found in our kitchen as part of finding out how things are named using nouns.
One day we did this while playing, basically D marking using the Montessori symbols the articles, adjectives and nouns. Now I can't seem to find this one paper!
Since D hates handwriting worksheets, we are practicing good writing and punctuation by doing copy work. D would never like or be interested in copying random stuff, so most of our writing relates to the work we've been doing that week. D does 3-4 pages per week and I can already see a tremendous improvement in her handwriting! Here is a sample.
D has been reading about butterflies, frogs and bean plants from various books that I borrowed from our local library.
We just started back on All About Spelling. With the weather being so nice we haven't had much time to continue the lessons. My goal is to do at least 2 lessons per week. We are going to start from the beginning of Level 2 since we took a break earlier this year.
We tried some wet chalk drawing on black construction paper and D enjoyed it.
We focussed on Mexico last week. I basically pulled out all our Mexico stuff from the North America Box and let D explore and ask questions.
D is slowly by surely entering into the second plane of development! Part of this is exciting, but part of this is also that she will not choose works that challenge her. She would be happily peeling off and dressing up the different paper dolls she has in her continent boxes all through school time, without ever touching any other single work. Now with a 2 year old distracting me, it is very easy for D to slip off into only doing whatever she wants and not any work that provides the next level of development. So we tried something new this week. I created a task list/work contract that D is responsible for finishing. Nothing fancy, I just wrote whatever were the next logical step to whatever she was already doing. Of course there are things on there that I need to help present or give directions, but the onus is on her to get her list checked off.

So far this has been working ok. D likes the idea of checking off, so she knows exactly what she needs to do instead of just going into the school room and trying to choose what she wants. Right now, she still needs to be reminded that there is a task list that she is responsible for, but we working towards it!