
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More Recent Artwork

The time that D is not spending reading or doing school work is fully consumed by the art and sketching that she does.  She is obsessed with creating little abstract sketches, and we go through one 100 page sketchbook every 2-3 days!  So here are some of the works that she has approved to be posted online!

She calls this "Close up of Flowers and Leaves".  After she created this, I told her that there was another American Artist called Georgia O'Keeffe who did draw flower close ups.  Since then she has been obsessed with researching about her!
Here is another WIP!
After our recent African studies, D has also been tracing the outline of her hands and been creating different kinds of artwork.  Here she using black marker to draw her hands and designs, then used tempera paint, q-tips and fingers(!) to make it colorful!

She calls this "Tribal Art"
Another one, but this time she used paint and made the text on the paint using finger prints and folding paper.  The texture is amazing to look at in person than in picture.  She then traced her hand, then some valentines and of course a couple of girl faces!
While I had no input on the artworks above, the following couple were initiated by me.  The first one is a "City by the River".  We used the techniques described here.

City by the river.

This next one, was created using oil pastels.  D created the daytime one and I did the night time one.

Oil pastel - City at Day (by D) and City at Night (by me).


  1. I love how self-directed her art is!

  2. I see you have a Master Artist living with you! I love how she titled the first work of art. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thanks all of you! I showed the comments she received for her artwork and D was thrilled!


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