
Friday, August 24, 2012

Fraction Nomenclature

When we were working with fractions way back in June I had hand-written our nomenclature cards.  The served their purpose but looked ugly!  As part of the re-organization that I am doing for our school room, I quickly put together these nomenclature cards.  It also has a simple definition for each part.  I store these in a simple envelope I made by folding construction paper.  I wanted to laminate both the cards and the cover, but we are out of the laminating sheets right now!

If you are interested you can download this pdf by clicking here or by visiting the download tab above.

These downloads are for your personal use only and not for distribution or sale.  If you choose to share anything you've seen in this blog, please link back to here.  Thank you for your understanding!


  1. Thanks for sharing these. We were just working on fractions yesterday.

  2. These are wonderful! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday and for sharing your printables! I featured your printable as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  3. These cards are really nice! DJ is too thrilled about fractions, so it always like we are starting at square one. I think he would enjoy working with these cards. Thank you for sharing.

  4. These cards are so great!! I must say at first glance I thought the card holder was made with fabric. I am a sewer so now I'm thinking I may do this:))
    These look fantastic!!


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