
Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello! Hope you are doing fine.  Happy new year!

We've been missing in action here since the middle of last year.  We had to make a couple of unexpected out of country trips to visit sick family members.  Then we came back to my husband accepting a new job in another state, so relocation!  We had to put our house on sale and then move to the new state!  So all of last year went crazy fast.  Earlier this month we moved into our new place in the new state of Washington!

So finally we are going to get back into blogging as our lives are taking on a new rhythm.  Over the break from blogging and regular homeschooling we have had a lot of time to think and see what works for us best in terms of homeschooling and schedule.  Though we were off from official homeschooling a lot of learning was still happening with the kids.  Tons of books were being read and a lot of spontaneous writing was also happening.  I remember my older one (who is now 7!) doing Math, inventing her own problems, just because she wanted to.  My younger one (3) can count perfectly now and knows most of the letter sounds!  They were watching a lot of documentaries on Amazon and videos on BrainPop.

We tried some Elementary Montessori last year with task cards and some schedule to the day.  Though my older daughter went along with it, I don't think it fit her learning personality well.  She loves more freedom, I like more freedom!  So this week we've gone back to freedom schooling and we are much happier!  We use Montessori, Classical and Unschooling principles and are doing what is kind of working for us.  I will be posting about how are days are going subsequently.

For my 3 year old, we would still continue with Montessori since it is the best free learning method out there for pre-schoolers!

I want to end this post with a brag!  So, when we were in India during the middle of last year with my dad who was sick, we were visiting a clinic to get my dad tested for diabetes.  I was with him with my kids.  My older daughter, who was six then, was talking to my dad about diabetes.  She went on to educate him about the different types of diabetes, what happens in your body with each type and the different treatment options! The doctors and the medical staff there were amazed at her knowledge and understanding!  She even went on to invent her own new type of diabetes and how she would treat it!  I was surprised too since I did not know that she knew all this.  Apparently she had read about this in a Discover Kids magazine that she receives monthly!  The doctor there told me that her explanation was by far the simplest and best he had heard about diabetes through out his career!

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to see you back! I've been enjoying some of your archives as we've embarked upon our first year homeschooling using Montessori. We are on the east coast, and I have a 7 yo, son, a nearly 6 yo, daughter, and a 2 1/2 yo son. I can't wait to read up on what you all are doing now.
    Best, Abbie


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