
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Science Journal entries

I thought I should share our recent Science Journal entries, in case some one is interested.  We try to do something in the journal for all the science we do.  D decides between drawing or writing or sometimes both and I do the rest for her.  She is only 6 and there is no requirement that she do the work all by herself.  In a Montessori classroom she might have chosen to do these with a group and might not have done all the writing and drawing by herself.  I always keep this in mind and share the journaling with her.  You might have seen in our Mushroom studies that she did the drawing and I did the writing.  Here are the journal entries from our recent experiments.

She choose to use a green check mark for seeds that germinated and a red X for no change.

We love journaling Science and many times I've caught D going through all the previous entries and recall interesting things from our experiments!  As you can see we use a regular lined notebook.  When I was in school, back in India, we had what we called "Observation" notebooks for science that had a blank page to the left and ruled page to the right, where we recorded all the Science entries.  Is there something like that I could find here?  I would love that format as almost all our entries have some drawing and some writing.


  1. Very nice entries!

    There are downloadables you can get that have a variety of formats:

    There are a couple more sites I've used, but I can't remember them off-hand. :)

    1. Thanks, we've used these kind of papers before, can't think of why I never thought to use that for Science!


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