
Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly Wrap-up

This is one really long post with many pictures of our work week since we stayed home mostly except for a few classes.

In Language we basically worked through FLL and WWE.  We are almost done with Level 2 of FLL, 10 more lessons to go.  I am right now contemplating between buying Level 3 or just use the Montessori Sequence.  So far FLL has helped us tremendously in keeping up with constant Language work with zero preparation on my part, but we have always done Montessori first and used FLL as only re-inforcement.  Level 3 introduces diagramming work and the reviews on amazon mention a lot of repetition.  It is not a very expensive buy, so may be I will have it on hand just in case!

The constructive triangles made an appearance this week after a long time.  D worked with the Triangle and Large Hexagon boxes.

We also used the Geo-board to make Triangles that were acute, obtuse and right angled.  I really need to get moving on the geometry presentations as she seems very interested in this.

D is done with the subtraction memorization sequence now and she worked with the last chart in the set.

So, this week I looked through Karen Tyler's materials and made this little booklet that has some subtraction equations with missing parts.  She worked through the 8 sets in a couple of days.

We were reviewing the strategies to add 8 and 9 (RightStart) one day and D wanted to see how fast she could do them!

We also introduced the DOT board addition this week.  She worked on it almost everyday and now does not need to be reminded to carry-over every time she crosses-out a 10!

We also worked with the subtraction snake game one day, though I don't have a picture of it.

I printed off the Six Kingdom information cards from MPS and presented it to her.  I was worried that we jumped into the study of fungi without doing the sequence in the Zoology albums, so I gave her this lesson.  She liked it, did it once and then went right back to continuing to research about fungi!

Here she is reading a booklet from MPS on the parts of a mushroom.

Here is her drawing of the mushroom.  She dictated and I wrote what she wanted me to write about mushrooms in her journal.

In SOTW this week she worked on the pending maps and coloring pages.

Once again, here are a couple of pieces of art by D.  This time I caught her in action and took pictures while she was at it!

This week was also my Wedding Anniversary.  D wanted to do something special and asked for a piece of big cardboard from our project pile.  She made a background and did a magic show for us!  We loved it!
The backdrop, painted.

Her setup before the show!
I don't have pictures of the actual show, but she did three tricks for us and also a little dance performance!  

While all this work was going on, my little one did her own trays was walking in and out of the school room all week!  Here are just a couple of shots from her week!


  1. D is doing a lot of inspiring work! Her art work is so impressive!! I enjoy reading your weekly wrap-ups. Thank you for sharing.

  2. That mushroom drawing is great! This looks like a wonderful and productive week. I hope you'll consider adding this to my end of the week link up. -Savannah

  3. Great work! I love the art work.

  4. I am impressed at D's handwriting! She is doing so well! And I LOVE the art. I'm coming over to play I think :). Love it!!

  5. Thanks to all of you for stopping by! I showed the compliments she received on her art work and she is over the moon! Thank you!


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