
Friday, February 15, 2013

Georgia O'Keeffe 3D Flower

After our discussion on Georgia O'Keeffe, I searched around  ideas to do a project based on her art and found this.  I knew D would love it.  I also found a free video tutorial on this project at Home Art Studio.  We watched the video and got to work.  We used just regular paper and oil pastels, scissors and a glue stick.  Since I did the project together with D, I don't have pictures of the work in action.  Anyways, enjoy the finished product!

D decided to make her flower real colorful and used different colors

Mine is a copy of the work in the tutorial

Here is M's 3D Art.  We always include her in whatever we do and M colored her paper and decided to cut and glue and create this piece! Now it hangs proudly with our artwork!

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful!! I need to do this when we get to Georgia O'Keeffe!


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