
Thursday, October 4, 2012


D attends a Space class for kids taught by a very creative mom at our co-op.  They made this cool project on one of the days.  This has various size beads, pom-poms and glass jewel stones to show the relative size of the planets.  I think this turned out so cool!

They also went outside and planted sticks on the ground to give the children a sense of how far apart the planets are from the sun.  We are fortunate to  belong to such a wonderful co-op!

I am linking this post to

World Space Week 2012 Blog Hop

1 comment:

  1. Eye Candy for sure! I have a kindergartner that is about to delve into astronomy. I am definitely going to be using this. Thank you for sharing.

    I have a giveaway on my other blog I think your two girls would enjoy the craft projects as well as the science activities.


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