
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Making Fraction Books

We are into making a book out of everything these days.  D is in her sensitive period for language and writing and we are taking full advantage of it!  The Fraction Work is not chosen often, so one day I greeted D in the school room with the proposal to make fraction booklets and it was well received!

I don't have a picture of our tray but it basically had 4 cut outs each of three shapes, a circle, square and a rectangle.  I started with story of how these were to be shared with only D and M.  Then two more guests arrive, so we had to divide and share it even further. The 4 more neighbors arrive and we had to share it even further.  So basically D had to cut out, paste and write the fraction for each division.

I introduced D to decorating her booklet with borders of her choice and she loved personalizing this!  In Montessori Elementary kids are often asked to personalize their work this way, so it was a good preparation for next year!

Of course M had to create and decorate her own booklet!

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