
Friday, August 31, 2012

Things for the Mummy's Afterlife

As mentioned in this post, D wanted to make some items to put in the sarcophagus so that her little mummy would be comfortable in the afterlife.  The first thing she wanted to make was this boat that it could use to sail to afterlife.

She also made this "Scroll of the Dead" and "Sword".

Then she wanted to make some pottery.  We used Air-Dry Clay to make these.  I had to help her with shaping these as she wanted and she did the painting.  I filled in the details once she was done painting the base.

I highly recommend these two books before beginning this project.  These highly influenced her imagination and the whole process was led by D.


  1. This is good stuff! D really takes ownership of her work. Love how the painting turned out. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Very nice pottery pieces she did a great job.


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