
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cave Painting

As mentioned in this post, we started Story of the World: Volume 1 this summer.  D enjoys the story form of learning history and the bonus is that we love to do fun activities with each chapter.  We are taking time with each chapter and doing a lot of activities to make things memorable.  I am planning to post all our activities and also have a separate tab available dedicated to only the SOTW activities.

For today here is the cave painting that we did.  I try to include my little one (2 1/2) also in our activities.  

D wanted to have a draft of what she was going to paint on a piece of paper!  Though her final painting looked nothing like her draft!

D's draft.  You can see daddy hunting an animal, D doing a cave painting, M sleeping in a tent and mommy next to the tent!

We taped a crumpled and cut out grocery bag to a table.

M is attempting her painting!

1 comment:

  1. I can'i wait until we read SOTW. I love how you set up the easel for cave painting. DJ would enjoy doing this. Sorry for not stopping by as often, I thought I had subscribed to your blog. When I popped over I see I have been missing out. Thank you for sharing.


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