
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Montessori Monday - Recap of last week

We weren't really motivated to get into the schoolroom last week after the long weekend, so we began with a nature hike.  Things picked up slowly from there.  We got to discuss plants and read some botany booklets and did some of the botany puzzles.  

On subsequent days we did get into the school room and began our routine works.

In Math, we worked quite a bit on the Stamp Game.  We covered Addition and Multiplication both static and dynamic.  D loves it when she creates her own problems for these!

Stamp game
 We are very fortunate to have a friendly homeschooling neighbor!  They were cleaning out and gave us these addition and subtraction worksheets.  You can clip on a blank sheet and work on solving the problems on the front.  Once you are finished, you just flip the worksheet and check your answers.

Front, where you solve problems
Back, where you verify answers
D likes these and I like these because D is ready for the Memorization work using the Strip Board and I am still waiting for it to arrive!  I ordered it two weeks back and hopefully we should get it this week.

In Language D worked on writing a few nouns each in the Person, Place, Thing and Idea category.  She loves writing right now and I am capitalizing on that!

D worked on the reading folders one day and started to write the "ay" sound words after reading the little booklet.  She gave up after writing this page!

We are also slowly working on Compound words.  I am using these Compound Word Puzzles that I purchased from Oriental Trading.  They are not great quality, but they get the job done.

I put out 5 at a time.  Once D assembles the words she copies it down in her Language Book.

We also worked on a few pages of Copy Work.

Of course M needs to copy whatever D does!

I found M one day working on the mystery bag while I was presenting some work to D.  She basically uses this like a puzzle, but she is pretty good at it!  After she is done, she picks it up and says - "Bye! See you tomorrow!" and walks away with the bag!

We did read a ton of books and also spent a lot of time outside enjoying the good weather.  Hop on over to read other Montessori Monday posts!


  1. Just old are you girls?

  2. I was wondering how those self check charts work. Love the picture of your girls doing copy work together.

  3. Kim, my oldest is 5 1/2 and youngest is two.


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