
Monday, April 23, 2012

Hello and Happy Spring!

Hello All!

Hope you remember us! We were on a 2 1/2 month break from blogging as well as traditional homeschooling that started way back in February.   We've been visiting family abroad and it was real nice to spend time with the grandparents.

Anyway, now we are back and after a week of taking rest and getting over the jet-lag, we started with school today.  There was tremendous enthusiasm and we started with some handwriting practice and basic grammar work.   I am going through what we were doing this past January and will create works based on that for the rest of this month to brush up on things.

It is Spring and once the weather gets warmer, I suspect that we will spend a ton of time outdoors, so most of the schooling will happen outdoors.  We've missed schooling and I've missed blogging!  We are glad to be back and getting on with our routine!


  1. Welcome back to blogging. We were missing you!!

  2. Thanks for the welcome Cris! I missed blogging and the friends I've made here too!


I would love to know what you think, so please take a moment and leave a comment! Thank you for reading!