
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

DIY Sound Cylinders

I wanted to share some of the DIY materials from our homeschool.  As you all already know Montessori Materials are expensive and lets face it, buying all the materials for home use, where only one or two children use it seems like a terrible expense, especially in single income households.  While some sensorial materials are extremely difficult to make like the knobbed cylinders, some are extremely easy to put together using simple household objects.  One such material is the Sound Cylinders.  If we were to buy this online, it would cost us anywhere from $20 for a reasonable quality one to $75 for a premium quality.  The cost for making this using items from the house, $0!

Here is what you need:
  1. 12 Opaque containers, if you are making six pairs.  I re-used chocolate pudding containers and made only 4 pairs, oh well!  I've seen a variety of other containers throughout the blog world, from painted glass bottles to the toilet paper tubes.
  2. One sheet of red and blue card stock.
  3. Tape.
  4. Items for filling the bottles.  I used - large rocks, small rocks, rice and paper.
  5. Stickers for marking the pairs

Once you have the above items, fill each item in two containers measuring out approximately the same quantity.  Shake them slightly to make sure they make similar sounds.  Cut one piece of red and one piece of blue cardstock to cover the mouth of the container and tape it shut.  Repeat this for the remaining items and you are done!  Easy peasy!


  1. So creative ... love your idea for DIY sound cylinders! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and added your post and photo to my DIY sound cylinders post at

  2. I've seen a few tutorials on sound cylinders, but yours is the first that has looked easy and quick enough to do. Thanks

  3. This is a great idea! I think my son would love a home-made activity like this one... more than the store-bought kind! Especially if he could help mommy make it! Thanks for sharing! (I'm going to pin your DIY sound cylinder post on my Pinterest DIY Montessori board--and follow you on Pinterst, too!)

  4. Thanks Lisa and Monko, glad you liked this activity!

  5. What fun to revisit your post! I featured your photo and post in my post on control of error at


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