
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Poetry and Christmas Tree

There are numerous blog posts all over the blog world on decorating a mini christmas tree.  It is an awesome fine motor work, appropriate for the holiday season and child approved!  We created one for our school too! I hunted and hunted for a decent mini christmas tree that wasn't expensive, but could not find it at any of our local stores.  Finally I bit the bullet and bought a live, small tree at our local Walmart for $8.  (Since it was live, I was kind of ok!)  Since our tree was really tiny and the branches were thin, I bought some mini ornaments from Michaels and luckily they were 50% off, so got a good deal on those!  After spending close to $10 total on this work, I had to get more value out of it for sure! So, I hunted for a nice poem to go along with this, got it from google and created our poetry tray. As always poetry is a big hit at our house!  So here is the tray and some action shots!

Both M and D worked on decorating this tree.

Here is the little tree after they were done with decorating.


  1. I love the addition of the poem and I'm jealous that yours is real. You should plant it after you're done. :)

  2. The only reason I did not mind spending $8 was because, I could plant it after we were done with the lesson! Glad you like the poem!

  3. Nice! I just remembered I had to do the same thing last year. The kids also treated the work better when the tree was real, being extra careful. Love that you added a poem to it. I like Loris' comment about planting it. Thank you for sharing.


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