
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another good week at our home!

We had another great work week at our home with D. She is moving along great with her reading and in Math we have covered all the four basic operations including exchanging at the bank and D loves this work. We will probably work on it some more next week and I will introduce the stamp game the following week. I need to go through Karen Tyler's culture albums and put out more work in that area. I also need to put out some holiday themed work for next week. So much to do and so little time! Anyway, here are a few pictures of some serious work this week!

More Stitching
Writing the different phonogram variations
Tool Box Work
3-Part Matching work
3-Part Card Label Matching and verifying using the Control Card

In addition to Montessori work, we also completed a couple of lessons from All About Spelling Level 2 and proceeded with abstraction using the Base 10 picture cards, which is similar to the stamp game.  We baked a chocolate pie for my husband's birthday.  All in all we had a fun week!

I am linking this post to Montessori Monday.


  1. Great week!! The stitching work it's a hit here!! And I love the Animal Kindom the work!!! Just beautiful!! Thanks for share it!!

  2. Great work as usual! I love that you have such a nice balance of practical life and academic activities. Thanks for linking up with Montesosri Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:


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