
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cultural Exchange - Mexico

Here are the contents of a wonderful package that we received from Mexico.

First is a lovely letter with information of the kids in the family and the mexican traditions.  It also included a package list and explanation on the contents of the package.  They also sent us a CD with some lovely Spanish songs! Great idea! You can also see a Mexican Corn recipe pictured.

A nice color map of Mexico showing the various states.

A rosary and some pictures of Mary.  In the letter is an explanation of how important this is to Mexicans.

Some pictures of Calaveras (halloween equivalent for Mexicans) and a Skull coloring page.

A toy Maraca, the Mexican flag and a wooden butterfly to represent the Monarch migration to Mexico.  Also included was a Poinsettia and an interesting legend about that from Mexico!

Candies, suckers, gum and powder to make a drink.  Included were some common Spanish phrases (another wonderful idea!).  You can also see a Mexican coin included.

There was so much in this package that I learnt "new" about Mexico!

To see more of the Cultural Exchange Packages that were exchanged visit here.


  1. I am a little jealous of this culture exchange. What a lovely packaged you sent out and with Mango, my favorite! I hope this continues to a fun learning experience for your family.

  2. I'm preparing a week dedicated to Mexico around the time of Dia de los Muertos. Thanks for sharing the great ideas. My husband's parents are from Mexico so I can't wait to share it with my boys.

  3. Yes this cultural exchange was awesome and we've learnt so much and made many friends!

    Lori, glad this post can inspire some ideas for you!


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