
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ice-cream Shop - Money Practice

We quickly put together this box for Ice-cream shop play the other day. We used pom-poms for ice-cream, rainbow rice for sprinkles and red and blue stones for cherries and blueberries. We added some cups, spoons and scoops from our play kitchen. The shop was open after we created one menu each and added a cash box and money to the mix! In the drawstring back we have some coins and the little box is our cash box.

I created this menu:

D made this menu...

Her price list basically says that 2 scoops of ice-cream is 3 cents, sprinkles are 5 cents, blue berry topping  - 6 cents and a cherry was 7 cents!

It was a lot of fun playing ice-cream shop and I loved sneaking in the money lesson with this!  I think D loved the fact that she could add sprinkles to her ice-creams!


  1. Adorable! I am saving this one to do once Short Pants' starts counting money - I love that it's both fun and educational. Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday! Would you mind grabbing the MM button and placing it in your post? That way all of your readers can see all the wonderful links from others - thanks!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Nicole! Sorry, I totally forgot to grab the MM button, fixed it now!

  3. Great idea! And I love that D made her own menu! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at

  4. Thanks for stopping by and featuring this on facebook Deb!

  5. A wonderfully creative idea! Can't wait to try it.

  6. Thanks Deb and Rachael for stopping by and leaving a message!


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