
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A friend in need...

D's friend, a 4 year old boy broke his ankle and is in a cast for the rest of the summer! What a bummer!  So D and I put together this pirate sensory tub for this sweet little boy! We got the idea from here.  I love the Counting Coconuts blog and so far, the pirate one is my favorite of all her sensory tubs! What a lucky boy she has!  So here is our tub.


D decorated this tub with some pirate stickers.  We filled it up with the following:
  • Black beans
  • Fake money
  • Fake gold coins
  • Necklaces
  • Rings
  • Rubber snakes
  • Spiders
  • Skeleton
  • Some candies
  • A wooden boat

We also included
  • A pirate Eye mask
  • A compass
  • A magnifying glass
  • A scroll
Here is our scroll...

I made another one for D to play with too!  You should have seen the little boy's eyes light up when he saw these goodies!  Hope he has fun and gets better soon.

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