
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our Update

The weather has been beautiful out here and we've been enjoying outside time a lot. Since we are out so much there has been less time in the montessori room. But we did sneak in a few days here and there to keep in touch. 

In math D is working on her unlimited bead materials trying to form complex numbers. She is getting real better at this.

In language I've been taking it real slow in the reading area, but D is has been real curious on a lot of sight words that she sees in the books we read and has mastered some those on her own! Other than this we are still working on completing the 40 sounds based on the Dwyer scheme, we are almost there! There has been a writing explosion lately and letters, cards, stories and what not has been done here! My house is now littered with so much of D's drafts! It is a good thing though!

On the cultural side, after our unit on Matter, we started our unit on Living/Non-living. I will post about this one of these days. We are also working on the continents and I am still collected and sorting and putting together our continent boxes! Since we've been out so much D's natural curiosity about plants in general has peaked. So I am catching that and trying to introduce the botany works. Some of my puzzles from Adena have arrived. The flower and leaf ones are back ordered, I am going to see if I can do without these.

On sensorial, D has mastered the Power of two cube and is now working on the knobless cylinders. I am going to introduce the binomial cube soon.

Practical life is just daily practical life right now. Helping clean up, make her own snacks, general grooming and a lot of grace and courtesy as she is out and about with kids her own age in the backyard is just what is happening in that area.

We've been visiting the library a lot and reading tons as usual. I am trying to sneak in non-fiction books based on the interest of the day and it has been working well. So that is what we've been up to.

With nice days few and far between in our State, we've been trying to maximize our time outside. Kids need to be kids, academics, montessori, all will follow eventually!


  1. Sounds great! Our classroom time has been cut down considerably as well with the gardening season upon us. It's amazing though how learning can happen spontaneously and organically anywhere!

  2. Yes, learning can happen anywhere once we tap into the child's natural curiosity. Isn't that what Montessori is all about?


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