
Friday, May 20, 2011

Good Weather

We've been spending a lot of time outside the past two weeks with the weather getting really warm in this part of the states!  I made a sandbox for D and M and they've been having a blast at our backyard.  So school has been only on rainy days, but a lot of life schooling has been happening lately.

As far as actual montessori work goes, D has been working on Complex Numbers using the golden bead material in math and has been really into the blue series words and blends.  I've also combined some of the Dwyer approach and have so far covered quite a bit of the two letter sounds (th, sh, ch, ar, etc).  D's been loving all the language work and has been trying to read anything she can get her hands on, which includes all signs, bottle wrappers, subtitles on TV, what not!  Also her writing skills have improved tremendously and she has been trying to write a lot.  For example when we do math, she writes down the complex numbers that she builds or when we do reading, writes down the words that we read.  Another thing is that her drawing has shifted from just doing stick figures and scribbling to some dimension in her drawing!

We've been to the library quite a few times and as usual me reading to her has been her favorite.  We recently got this book from the library and D loves it.  It is a sweet book which D relates to nicely.  Her grandma is sending her a package from India next month and this was perfect timing.  Also with her interest in foreign languages at its peak, this book with its different language names for close relatives and gifts that make sense to her was just awesome.

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