
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Glitter glue letters!

I've been teaching D the alphabets from our native language.  The twelve vowel like letters are taught first. I was trying to find a way to teach it the montessori way, but just too lazy to cut and create sandpaper ones!  I was browsing through the stationery isles and there it was, glitter glue!  I got the set ready in 10 minutes using card stock and glitter glue.  D loves the texture and can identify all these now!

Here is a close-up of one of the letters.....

We were watching a movie (native) the other day and D could identify some of these letters when the credits were on!  That was exciting!


  1. Fantastic idea! Very unique way to introduce letters. We have sandpaper but I may try this too! Kerri

  2. Thanks Kerri! This is so colorful, textured and doesn't hurt the fingertips the way sandpaper does and did I mention a lot less work than making the Sandpaper letters? !!

  3. What an awesome idea! I love that it's so easy and a great alternative to sandpaper letters - or a fun extension as well! I featured your photo and post in my Inexpensive and DIY Sandpaper Letters post at

  4. hi, were you able to teach the consonants? my daughter knows the vowels but I dont know how to teach the rest.

  5. Hi SadMad. We are half way through the consonants, but since my older one can write well we are practicing writing too, which is kind of slowing us down. But who cares, we r not in any hurry!

  6. Wow I am impressed on seeing these ideas. I am from Tamil Nadu living in US for past 5 yrs and trying to teach my daughter Tamil for the past 6 months but no luck she is 2 years old. I will try this method. Thanks for sharing....... Have a nice day

  7. This would be so much easier than trying to cut sandpaper. Thanks.

  8. Hi, I too am trying to teach my lil one both the English and Marathi alphabet using the Montessori method and was glad to find the post for using glitter glue to make alphabet cards. Thanks for a time saving idea.


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