
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What we've been upto

Its been more than a week since my last update.  But we've been busy at home working away the week.  February is always a busy month for us with lots of celebrations since it has my birthday, valentines day and our wedding anniversary.  We've had a lot of fun this month!

I ordered the language materials from Montessori for everyone.  The quality of the materials is amazing and D has been enjoying the pink series work.  She can fairly breeze through all the pink word lists.  I also started to introduce some of the blue series sounds and she has been having a lot of fun with them too!

In math I bit the bullet and ordered some of the golden bead materials from Caliber Montessori.  This is my first time ordering from them and I need to wait and see how the quality of the materials are.  But D has been ready for a while to move on and having the materials on hand would be awesome.  We've been doing the odd/even work and the hundred boards too.

We've not worked much on the other areas as I haven't had the time to put out new materials.  I made a calendar, which has been a long pending item.  I will post pictures in another post.  We've been singing a lot of songs and reading a ton of books.

Practical life has been home life for D.  It amazes me how much she can do by herself if only I let her be!

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