We are still here! With the weather being nice most of our days have been spent outside, but we did get some school time too! Here is some of what we've been up to...
An oldie, but a goodie! A variation on cards and counters. D does this with so much ease, but I keep this work out regularly with some minor variations as repetition is always good!
Color box three! This again is done with ease, but we just love the look of it! She did this work after ignoring it for a long time!
Continent pin map that we found
Tracing with the insets. I usually cut the paper to size and have color pencils out following traditional montessori. But this day I just let her have a go at it with just regular paper and markers and let her make her own designs. She worked on this for the longest time ever!
Salt spooning. I usually don't have any spooning work for D as she is very comfortable with spooning and just plays with it. But I had a penny polishing (will post on that soon) activity out and D was enjoying spooning the salt, so I put this together quickly. This held her interest for a couple of days.
Other than this we did more activities, but each one deserves its own post. So I will update in the next few days on the other activities that we did!